First Encounter (IV)

Wushuang naturally did not know that he was mesmerized and instead repeated, "I said, if there's nothing else, I'll take my leave."

"No, no, there is something to discuss. My breakfast just arrived. I'll tell you after I'm done eating," Mu Yuhao answered. He then picked up a small spoon and wolfed down his dessert.

In truth, he did not know how to tell her. For the first time in his life, he wanted to confess to a woman but was totally ignorant of it. Moreover, he had lingered outside the florist for a long time before he arrived. He thought that confessing to a woman with flowers was too conventional, yet he did not want to be rude to the beautiful lady. He contemplated for such a long time and that led to him being late.

What else could Jing Wushuang have said? She took a sip of her cold coffee. The chilly bitterness swirled around the tip and slowly converged in the center pit of her tongue.

She lowered her cup and stared at the long hallway next to her. Some said that a person with a broken-heart would fall in love with the taste of black coffee. Sure enough, during the past two years, she had completely fallen in love with this taste.

She set her cup down and continued staring unfocused into the distance. Suddenly, she heard the clackety-clack of leather dress shoes on the hard floor from the end of the hallway. Her gaze followed the source of the sound—

It was him!

She pursed her lips. She had never seen a man who exuded such presence; as if even his footsteps were more overbearing than one's average bystander.

"Wushuang, there's something I want to tell you."

"Hm?" Mu Yuhao had successfully pulled her attention back but after hearing him address her like that, she could not help but frown. Her colleagues at work usually addressed her as Miss Jing or Elder sister Wushuang. 

"Ahem… Ahem… It's like this. We've known each other for some time now. What do you think of me?"

Wushuang was a little dazed, her large eyes looked vacant and were staring at him. This young master asked her here to discuss his personality?

Mu Yuhao also felt that he was babbling nonsense. His face was a little flushed. He was twenty-three years old; he should have passed the age of blushing. However, when faced with Jing Wushuang, there was no way he could handle it as skillfully as he did with other women. His fist was propped up against his lips and he lightly coughed twice, trying to cover up the uneasiness on his face, and continued to say, "Actually, what I wanted to say was, I really like…"

Before Mu Yuhao could finish, he was suddenly interrupted by a raised female voice from behind him. Jing Wushuang had also turned her attention toward it.

"But why? We're a great match, the ideal couple. Our personalities are compatible, and I really like you. Why won't you want to be together?" said a frantic female voice. It sounded like either a failed matchmaking session or a breakup.

A raised voice with little self-control in a cafe this early in the morning, where there were not many customers in the first place, was especially clear.

The reason Jing Wushuang paid special attention to the woman—whose back was toward her—was because the object of the woman's displeasure was the man she had met in the restroom.

"I'm sorry, but our genders are incompatible!" The man's sexy voice was laced with the chill of early spring.

Jing Wushuang almost spat out the black coffee which she had yet to swallow. Our genders are incompatible—what a strong excuse.

The man's voice was much like his appearance, with a strong presence that could not be ignored. Deep, magnetic, resounding, and irresistible.

The woman looked as if she had just seen a ghost. Her eyes were wide with disbelief. She pointed her trembling finger at him. "You…"

Jing Wushuang's attention was so focused that she did not see Mu Yuhao's surprised expression as he quickly spun his head around.