Joy Has Turned To Sorrow

She did not know how to explain this to Su Ran. It was only today that she realized that she had placed so much importance—to the point where it was suffocating—on a matter that was so insignificant.

Letting go turned out to be such a relaxing and happy experience.

Su Ran stopped walking and stared into her eyes. "Really?"

Su Ran knew how miserable Wushuang had been; truly broken-hearted. Her first love came to her quickly, she fell hard and deeply in love, but it ended even quicker. It was too fast that Su Ran had not even met the man. Wushuang's family did not even know she was in a relationship that had ended; everyone except for her cousin.

Wushuang returned her friend's gaze and responded with a resounding, "Yes." She then put her arms around her friend's shoulder and continued walking. "Alright, I've accompanied you to catch cheating men all night. I'm hungry, let's get something to eat."

"I'll believe you for now. This meal is on you!"


"To celebrate your rebirth."

"Makes sense."

"Let's have the most expensive stuff!"

"I just received my paycheck."

"That's more like it!"

The 'most expensive stuff' Su Ran was referring to were lobster sashimi at a high-end restaurant. Both of them ate a lot and drank bottles of sake. Just like what Su Ran had said, they drank to their hearts' content to celebrate Wushuang's rebirth.

They stumbled out of the restaurant, tipsy from all the drinking. They were obviously in no condition to drive home and were fortunately not far from their workplace. Wushuang would just collect her car after work tomorrow. Still, the parking fee would cost her a bomb. 

Su Ran's fiance then called; he had just left and offered to send her home. She, however, proudly declared that she would grab a cab home.

After making sure Su Ran got into a cab, Wushuang strolled along the rain-drenched streets on her own. The twilight yellow street lights, coupled with the blurry neon signs in the distance, seemingly put on a romantic quality to this fast-paced southern city. This caused one to involuntarily slow down their pace and experience the city's beauty.

Wushuang inhaled the cool fresh air and felt refreshed and carefree.

She did not call a cab immediately and instead continued to stroll alongside the street lights. She occasionally looked up at the lights in the distance. She liked the golden tint the street lights gave off that cast a certain warmth over this chilly night. 

So warm. So romantic.

A light bulb suddenly lit inside her head. She climbed up the flower bed next to the road, spread out her arms, and walked slowly forward as if it was a balance beam. It was very rare for her to act so playfully.

She knew that it was in fact very dangerous. Vehicles would occasionally pass by; some even honked and startled her.

As she prepared to jump down from the flower bed, one of the heels of her high-heeled shoes got stuck in a crevice. She yanked hard but she could not get it out. At an unstable center of gravity, her body fell forward uncontrollably. A car appeared right in front of her. The brilliant headlights almost blinded her eyes as she instinctively crossed her arms in front of her head.

Words flashed before her blank mind: 'Joy has turned to sorrow.'

Dying like this was too unworthwhile. She was so young and had such a bright future.

The sound of screeching tires filled her ears. Her arms felt the bumper of the car. Due to inertia, the car was unable to immediately come to a full stop and bumped into her. She fell backward.

Her foot that was still stuck with her high-heeled shoe twisted the other way round, and it made her cry out in pain.