Three Generations (II)

S City was a southern city with no distinct seasons. Flowers bloom and trees provide share all year round. Only the Bombax ceiba trees showed signs of the seasons across the year; this was one of the reasons why the old master cherished the Bombax ceiba trees.

At the end of the pathway stood the main ancestral house that had been passed down through hundreds of years, and it was completely different from the modern mansion. No matter how many times it was renovated, it retained its original appearance. The yellow rosewood furniture was handed down by their ancestors from generation to generation. Antiques were inherited over hundreds of years; the surface of the desks and chairs were smoothed and polished by the countless touching of hands; the walls were covered by countless ink paintings; the layout of each room was different but the decor was a similar antique feel. The entire house was an ancient relic which carried the weight and presence of their noble ancestors.

In the main living hall, the old and spirited Mu Zhenhua—who was clad in a silk navy blue Chinese suit—sat still and upright in the most prominent seat. There was not a trace of doddering in the old man's vibrant eyes, which insinuated this old man's prowess during his younger days. He embodied an ancient emperor awaiting deference from His Majesty's ministers. As a man in a high position for many years, he commanded an aura of respect and power, even without fury.

The old family steward Shen Kun stood nearby; his waist slightly bowed, not a hair out of place.

Just like Aunt Rong, he was an old servant for the Mu Family and had served the Mu Family generations for half his life.

The three of them each greeted Mu Zhenhua and prepared to take their seats. Mu Zhilan and Mu Jinchen took the seats directly to the left and right of the old master. Mu Yuhao sat next to Mu Jinchen. 

"Elder Young Madam, Elder Young Master, Little Young Master. Elder Young Master, the old master has longed for your return," Old Shen greeted before he pulled out the chairs for both Mu Jinchen and Mu Yuhao.

Aunt Rong pulled out the chair and helped Mu Zhilan get seated. She then naturally retreated to the side, with her waist slightly bowed. 

"Uncle Shen, I dislike your choice of words. It's as though Grandfather only values my uncle's presence here." The person who could still act so lively and animated in the presence of the old master could only be Mu Yuhao.

Old Shen chuckled happily. "Yes, yes, my mistake. The old master longed for all your presence."

The old master's sharp gaze swept across the group and eventually locked onto Mu Jinchen. His tone was a little displeased as he started, "You're starting to disregard the rules more and more. Why did you not return home immediately upon your return to the country?"

Mu Jinchen met the old man's gaze without any humility. "I went to the countryside to visit Grandfather immediately after I landed."

"Hmph," Mu Zhenhua grunted before he changed the subject. "What happened with that Li girl? Causing such a hubbub from just one match-making session. Marrying that girl would be good for you and helpful to the Mu Family. You're not young anymore, and it's about time you settled down."

"Father, I have an agreement with Grandfather that I'm allowed to marry a person of my choosing. I've no affection for Miss Li. If I find someone suitable and to my liking, I'd naturally settle down. Father needn't worry."

Mu Zhenhua's narrow, half-squinted eyes looked identical to Mu Jinchen's. Mu Jinchen bore much resemblance to Old Master Mu, especially that commanding aura of respect and power. "So? I can't be concerned about your well-being? Or do you only acknowledge your grandfather and forgot that your father exists?"

 "Father's statement is too harsh." Mu Jinchen rarely returned home and had no intention of arguing with his father. However, it was exhausting confronting such a strong character.

When she sensed the situation had turned sour, Mu Zhilan quickly cut the tension as she interjected, "Father, Chen'er had just returned. Let's talk about it after breakfast."