The Third Gentleman

She immediately turned to Wushuang once she hung up. "Shuangshuang, First Day is critically ill. That fatuous vet said that it can't be saved. It was fine when I left last night, though. I have to go, but I'll drop you back at the hospital."

She then wheeled Wushuang away.

First Day was the name of the purebred Scottish Fold cat that was given to her by Jun Xiang. It was gifted to her on the first day of the lunar new year. She was too lazy to think of a name and thus named it First Day. It was extremely aristocratic and fell ill a little too frequently. 

Before Wushuang could say anything, a magnetic and mellow voice said, "If Miss Su has urgent matters to attend to, I'll send Miss Jing back."

Su Ran slapped her head and suddenly realized it. "How could I've forgotten about you? I'll temporarily leave Wushuang in your care, Mister Third Gentleman. Please take good care of her."

She even winked at Wushuang before she rushed off.

"Hey, Ranran!" Temporarily leave in your care? Mister Third Gentleman? This unreliable woman. Was that obese cat more important than her? She should not have let her come along.

Su Ran turned and waved back at her before she sped off even faster.

"Is Miss Jing afraid to be alone with me? Am I that terrifying?" Mu Jinchen questioned.

He noticed that Jing Wushuang was always nervous and blushed when she was with him.

Mu Jinchen did not know women well. He knew his personality was cold and distant, but he was not some kind of monster. Well, not to the point where women would tremble every time they saw him as though they were facing some mortal enemy, at least. This behavior made him feel frustrated. 

Wushuang quickly shook her head, raised her eyes, and courageously met his gaze. "No, no. Please don't misunderstand, Chairman Mu. I'm not afraid of you, but I'm not accustomed to walking too closely with strangers due to personal reasons."

Jing Wushuang's crystal clear eyes were particularly beautiful when she stared earnestly at someone; the kind of grace and gentleness unique to Southern Chinese women. The curved eyebrows, the slightly raised corners of the mouth. Very peaceful, beautiful, and ageless, especially in this specific environment.

Mu Jinchen's heart felt as if a soft feather had brushed across it; so gentle. He smiled softly. "We've encountered each other many times. We're not strangers."

His eyes were genuinely gentle. Wushuang felt that his voice was a little warmer than before and it dispelled some of her earlier cautions. This man might not be as difficult to get along with as she initially thought.

Wushuang did not respond directly to his remark and gently averted her gaze instead. "Chairman Mu had just returned from abroad. I've been to this site several times. Why not let me show off a little by giving you a tour?"

"My pleasure."

Mu Jinchen held the handles of the wheelchair as he spoke and wheeled Wushuang forward. He frowned when she addressed him as Chairman Mu. It was not the first time she addressed him this way.

Qidong could not believe that the young master personally wheeled Wushuang around. He had a large number of materials in his hand and was just about to hand them to the young master and push the wheelchair himself.

He dismissed the thought. The young master had even carried Jing Wushuang in his arms before. The young master would have asked him to do it if the young master did not want to.

Qidong noticed Mu Jinchen's frown and clarified, "Miss Jing, Young Master prefers to be addressed as Mister Mu."

Wushuang was a little startled. He was the newly appointed Chairman cum CEO of the company, after all. She thought that addressing him as Chairman Mu was enough to distinguish him from the old CEO Mu. She did not expect everyone to be addressing him merely as Mister Mu.

No matter. Not everyone liked to be addressed as President this and Director that. Such an outstanding person had no need for such titles.

"Mister Mu," Wushuang's eyebrows curved even more as she addressed him softly.