Hospitalized Again (II)

Wushuang was in excruciating pain, and her mind was a blur. As tears rolled down her cheeks, she just nuzzled against his warm, broad shoulders as though it could alleviate her pain.

Mu Jinchen pivoted her smallish face, it was pale and greenish. Her lower lip was even bleeding as a result of her biting on it to keep her cries at bay. Mu Jinchen's brows wrinkled into a knot.

He reached down and pinched her chin. "Don't bite it, you're bleeding. Here, bite on this," he coaxed as he pressed Wushuang's head against his shoulders.

He then said to Qidong, "Drive faster. Ignore the traffic lights."

Qidong was shocked throughout the whole journey. Laypeople would have undoubtedly believed that Wushuang was the young master's lover. If only the young master could see the expression on his face; it was filled with empathy and heartache.

He replied with a resounding 'yes' then gunned the engine.

Mu Jinchen finally understood the meaning of 'women were made of water'. His entire shoulder was soaked in just moments.

He could not imagine just how much pain she was in that would make her cry this much.

Fortunately, there was a hospital near the filming site. They arrived at the nearest hospital in ten minutes.

Mu Jinchen carried Wushuang out of the car as soon as it stopped. She remained silent the entire time as she kept clutching her stomach and wept.

They quickly arrived at the emergency ward. Qidong rushed ahead and made their identities and intentions known. 

The nurses immediately appeared with a stretcher.

Mu Jinchen gently placed Wushuang on the stretcher, and he only realized then how light she was. There was not much weight, so young and unwilted. She was smiling at him so sweetly just a few moments ago.

Still, there she was, lying lifelessly on the white hospital stretcher. For the first time in his life, he felt so helpless. He could not describe the emotions he felt at this moment; everything was a blur. It felt as though he was being trampled by an army of a thousand troops and horses.

Much later in the future, he would come to realize that he could not bear the weight of anything happening to Wushuang from this moment on.

She stroked her head while he assured her, "It's alright. It'll all be better soon."

He stared as she was wheeled away by the nurses.

He had the urge to smoke but then realized that this was a hospital. He then suppressed his urge.

"Qidong, will Wushuang be okay?"

Her name rolled so naturally off his tongue as if they had known each other for many, many years.

"Not to worry, Young Master. Normally, acute gastritis is a minor issue that's easily treated."

Mu Jinchen frowned. "Then why was she in such pain?"


Of course, Qidong was not Wushuang. How would he know the reason it hurt that much?

Still, was it not a little too much to feel such pain for a woman that he knew for just two days?

"Young Master, different people have different tolerance for pain. Some are especially sensitive to pain that even minor ones could feel excruciating."

"It must've been extremely painful. Did she cry when she twisted her foot yesterday?"

Qidong did not want to say anymore. This Jing Wushuang had really bad luck; she was just hospitalized last night and was hospitalized again today. She was carried into the hospital by the young master on both occasions, too. Qidong had no words.

Fortunately, the doctor emerged at that moment. Otherwise, Qidong might have to continue discussing a woman's tolerance for pain with the young master.

  1. This is an expression used to describe women. Women cry when they are happy, cry when they are unhappy, cry when they are moved, and cry when they are excited. A beautiful woman is often likened to a water spirit. Women are made of water, water is invisible, and water takes the form of all manner of shapes.