
In a blink of an eye, it was already Friday night. Wushuang only remembered about the upcoming family gathering after her grandfather called her about it.

So many things had happened recently that she almost forgot about it. Her leg had not fully healed and she intended to decline the appointment at first. However, she had not seen her grandfather for some time and also did not want to create a misunderstanding. Thus, she just went along with it.

As her foot had yet to heal entirely, driving was not an option. Su Ran dropped her off at work early in the morning, but Su Ran had something to attend to that night and could not pick Wushuang up from work.

During evening rush hour, and coupled with the weather, it was impossible to hail a cab outside the office. Her assistant had helped her call for a cab but there was none available.

Her assistant, Tang Xiaotang was a fresh graduate who had been interning at the company for almost a year. When Wushuang was promoted to Project Manager not too long ago, she had Tang Xiaotang assigned to her as her assistant.

She introduced Wushuang to the DiDi ride-sharing app and taught her how to use it. She also ordered a car from the app and scheduled the pick-up time.

Since Wushuang had no other choice, she had to try out this new thing.

She had missed a few days of work, thus she stayed back at the office to work overtime. It was almost the weekend and the office was empty.

It was almost nine o'clock on that rainy night when Wushuang limped along toward the office building's main entrance in her flat shoes. The sky was dark and the streets were illuminated by hazy street lights, and not far away was S City's iconic landmark building. It was very pretentiously named 'Little Sassy Waist' and it was shaped like its name. It looked like a very thin female waist. The top of the building was shrouded in rain and fog, and it left the waist portion of the building engulfed in non-stop flashing multi-colored spotlights.

Wushuang stared at it for a moment, mesmerized, before she looked back at her watch. It was ten minutes past the time the car was scheduled to arrive.

She launched the app again and saw that the position of the car had not moved from when she last checked the app upstairs. She did not know what happened.

She saw the driver's contact number in the app and called. She did not even get the chance to say anything when the driver just blurted out that the traffic was at a standstill and told her to find another car before he hung up.

Wushuang stood there, stunned. She was not supposed to stand for long periods due to her injury, and yet she had stood there for twenty minutes straight before her ride got canceled. Seriously unreliable. One-star review!

She was utterly annoyed and rotated on one foot to head back into the lobby but slammed into a fleshy wall. 

She wrinkled and clutched her painful nose. Her eyes watered but she did not neglect to apologize, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to."

A familiar scent wafted across her nose, mixed with a faint smell of tobacco. She raised her head and stared at the person before her with her watery eyes.

She stood frozen again. She had not seen him since that day he stormed out of the hospital ward. Yes, it was her big boss, Mu Jinchen.

Mu Jinchen's conditioned reflexes quickly reached out and steadied the petite woman who slammed her face into his bosom. After realizing who she was, he could not help but frown. She truly was small, her height merely at the level of his chest. She was adorably clutching her reddish nose, her little mouth agape. She stared unblinkingly at him with her tear-filled eyes that looked as if they were going to overflow at any moment. She looked so small and pitiful.

  1. DiDi is a ride-sharing/taxi app. More information (but not limited to) here