The Bracelet Is False Evidence

Teacher Xu hadn't taken the bracelet away, because he wanted to see if his star student was capable of handling the situation.

She would definitely run into similar incidents in the future. If she didn't handle it well this time, and she couldn't hold her own against these kind of schemes, then next time, she would fall into their trap again.

He'd also decided to seize this opportunity to discover the mental resilience of his outstanding student.

Sure enough, after a while, Yang Lu found the silver bracelet under a desk.

"Found it!" Standing up, Yang Lu turned to look at Teacher Xu, who was standing behind her looking gloomy.

"Teacher Xu, I found a bracelet, which seems to have a name on it."

"Whose name?"

"Yun Xi! The name on the bracelet is Yun Xi. This must be what Yun Xi has been looking for lately."