You Can’t Judge a Book by Its Cover

Halfway through their meal, the two underlings brought the medicine back, so Yun Xi ordered two more bowls of noodles.

She also ordered two empty bowls and some boiling water.

As soon as she'd finished ordering, Xiang Yuanjiu, who was sitting opposite her, looked unhappy.

He wasn't receiving any sort of special treatment.

He was no different from his two followers to her.

Yun Xi lifted her eyes and glanced at Yuanjiu's dissatisfied expression. Without saying a word, she poured the powdered Chinese medicine into a bowl, added hot water and glycerin, and started mixing it.

The black lacquered bowl gave off a strong scent of traditional Chinese medicine. Xiang Yuanjiu was so overwhelmed by the smell of the medicine that he completely lost his appetite.

"Hey! Are you trying to poison me?"

He had a conflicted expression on his face.

"If I wanted to poison you, would I have gone through all this trouble?"