Clean Up the Battlefield for You

When other men attempted to woo women, they spoke sweetly and used euphemisms.

But this man in front of her had opened his mouth and made her the self-assured promise that he would give her a family that she could do anything she pleased with.

She knew that if a gentleman like him made such a promise, he would certainly abide by that promise.

He might have guessed what she wanted to do with the Han family, but he didn't try to stop her.

He neither arrogantly declared that he would acquire the Han Group, nor did he rush out to fight with them like a simpleminded youth.

He'd said he would provide a family for her and give her time to mature until she was ready to destroy the Han family.

Under the balanced situation in Jingdu, he wanted to pave the way for her and let her take care of it herself.

Such a man had righteousness and tenderness in his heart.