Dogskin Plaster Clings to You

The news that Yun Xi had gotten into a gangster's car at the school gates quickly spread throughout the senior class.

Yun Xi's homeroom teacher had repeatedly issued warnings to her, to keep her from going down the wrong path and ruining her academic future.

Only after Yun Xi had reassured him about what she had been doing did her homeroom teacher let her go back to the classroom.

As soon as she returned to the classroom, she saw that Yang Lu and Li Sinuo were quarreling with each other aggressively.

"Li Sinuo, what has Yun Xi done to you to make you so determined to get at her? Just because she has better grades than you, do you really need to scheme against her like this?"

"How have I schemed against her? You are out of your mind. She left with the gangster. Many students saw her, so how is it any of my business that she's ruining herself?"

"Obviously, you yelled about it on purpose! You..."