I Am Not Someone You Can Step On!

"What on earth do you want?"

She wasn't sure how much dirt Yun Xi had on her, but once she got exposed, she would have no way out.

This was her most important year, and she simply couldn't be ruined like this.

"I'll give you an option. Tomorrow morning, during free study time, you have to go to the broadcasting room and explain in front of the whole school how you slandered me and why you spread these rumors. You have to make it clear to everyone and believable. If people don't believe you, then I'm sorry, but all the photos in my possession will not only appear on the bulletin board downstairs, on the desk of the principal and the homeroom teacher, but will also be given to the man's wife, your father, and your mother."

Li Sinuo gasped. "You...you wouldn't cross that line!"