It Was All Over Now!

"What slander are you talking about? How have we slandered you? You have acted inappropriately toward my daughter and tarnished her pristine reputation. You are the one who should be held accountable."

"I repeat, she fell, and I simply helped her up."

Feng Yang snorted coldly, as his face got darker and darker. "Also, who the h*ll is this girl? I don't even know her! All I did was give her a helping hand, and just because I touched her, you have the nerve to slander me and try to force me to take responsibility by marrying her. I can interpret it in this way: if one day you got hit by a car and someone passing by kindly helps you, you would slander the person and force him to pay your medical expenses."

"Yangyang..." Ai Zhujun glanced at Feng Yang. She was protective, but also reasonable. "We have to solve the problem at hand instead of cursing at people."