Truly Deserving of a Good Spanking

Half an hour passed, and the judges pressed the bell to end this entertaining question-and-answer round.

Unwillingly to give up, Zhou Chengzhe turned to look at his score on the big screen. When he saw that the time was over, he slammed his fist on the podium in front of him with regret.

Thinking of how he'd kept answering questions wrong as if he had been bewitched, Zhou Chengzhe didn't know what had gone wrong.

"Jury, this wasn't fair. She asked very tricky questions."

Zhou Chengzhe's resentful voice could be heard on the microphone, and the noisy venue immediately fell quiet.

Jing High School's teachers and Zhou Chengzhe's homeroom teacher were also taken aback by what Zhou Chengzhe had said.

What did he plan to do? He'd already lost, but now did he want to dishonor Jing High School as well?