You Can't Negotiate with Us

This tape that was holding her prisoner was easier to cut and be freed from than a rope would have been.

"Don't ask so many silly questions. We were simply given orders and we're following them."

The woman impatiently stubbed her cigarette out on the window and then turned her head to open the window and throw the cigarette outside.

Yun Xi coldly looked at this careless woman who was sitting beside her. As soon as she turned her head, Yun Xi's swift knife pressed down and instantly cut the tape holding her feet.

Before the woman in the back seat could react, the sharp blade was touching her neck.

The woman's eyes widened when she saw that the little girl had suddenly broken free and was using a knife against her. She looked astonished.

Then, snapping back to reality, she lunged at Yun Xi with her red nails out. Yun Xi grabbed her wrist and broke her hand.

The scalpel unceremoniously cut through the skin on her neck.