She Was Really Getting Screwed Over by Her Mother

"From start to finish, I didn't know Li Weinan. Whether you seduced him or he pursued you, did I say anything about it? You keep saying that I sowed discord because I was envious of you, but you would need to at least have the qualifications to make me jealous. What is my identity, and what is your identity? Know your place!

"Also, my dad is very proud. Today, you and your mother have caused such a huge scene. You two have brought shame to my grandfather and my dad. I think it would be better for you and Liang Xinyi to move out. Our Yun family is too small for you two great gods."

Chen Lixue became anxious when she heard Yun Xi kicking them out.

"I won't go. Why should we go? It was her son who was shameless, and she came to our door looking for trouble. If someone has to go, make this old b*tch go. away."

"Mom!" As soon as Chen Lixue started to speak, Liang Xinyi hurriedly stopped her.