Surprises Waiting for You

She had taken out her first prey, so she was off to a good start. For Yun Xi, it was the best encouragement she could have had.

Lying in the bushes up at the commanding high ground, Yun Xi looked for all the prey lying in ambush through the scope.

As she had run to the commanding high ground of the mountain, the prey lurking in the woods had begun to slowly move and change their positions to avoid being found and taken out by her.

It was a normal tactical strategy, but Yun Xi took this opportunity to quickly fire three shots. She then took out two more of the moving prey.

Before the prey started to counterattack, everything was to her advantage.

After taking out three prey, she could see no more movement in the forest.

Yun Xi didn't dare to delay. She quickly moved down from the commanding high ground and decided to change her position.