Used Him as Bait

Because she didn't know how many prey there were, Yun Xi didn't dare to let her guard down for even a moment.

After coming out of the abandoned factory building, she didn't call Special Assistant Lin for help. She raised her head and glanced at the sun which was starting to set in the distance, and then she tightened her nerves.

As soon as it got dark, her sight was going to deteriorate. Soon, it was going to be even more difficult for her to kill the prey.

Then, when the prey counterattacked, she would become their target.

Not sure what her next goal should be, she glanced around. Her gaze finally settled on a towering chimney.

Gritting her teeth, she ran toward the chimney as fast as she could.

The position of the chimney was relatively high up, and its field of view was wide. She could see clearly in which direction she should go next.