Act First and Tell Him about It Later

In the combat command room, an arrogant figure stood silently in front of the monitor screen. A beret embedded with the national emblem sat atop the man's short hair.

The room's flickering light cast a shadow on his sharp facial features, making it difficult to make them out. 

No military rank was apparent on his dark green camouflage uniform, but his presence was impossible to ignore because of his strong, calm aura.

The man's gaze on the screen was concentrated on the figure fighting with the wolves. When she was using her knife, she was fast, ruthless, and without any hesitation.

Even when she'd tied Mu Feichi to the tree, the way in which she had tied the rope had been very special. She had obviously practiced the winding technique. This was an unusual way of knotting things, not even common in the navy.

She had even simplified the complicated bundling method to be faster and more precise.