Chapter 664: So You Can Only Die!

"I didn't expect Great White to be so powerful!" Zhao Yumo looked down and saw that there were still blood dripping from the corners of its mouth.

Great White's breath was filled with the smell of blood. Yun Xi looked at the mercenary lying on the ground. Her eyes narrowed as she suppressed the coldness she felt.

"We've taken care of one guy, but there should be others in the woods. This is the commanding heights. Apart from the sniper, everyone else should be below us. We weren't ambushed along the way, so they're probably not here. I don't know if this sniper was just careless or over confident. Either way, we need to be more cautious!"

Zhao Yumo nodded. She realized that everything she had learned from Second Master Jiang was purely superficial. It was mostly about surviving in the cut-throat business industry, and those skills were not useful in this situation at all!

"Then what do we do with this body? Won't they hold us responsible?"