Just Daydream, But Don't Take It Too Seriously

If she could deal with Han Wanling, naturally she can also deal with the arrogant and stupid Han Qin.

However, this wasn't the time or place to deal with her now. Han Qin wasn't the fish she wanted to catch today.

She was much more interested in Qiao Ximin.

Coming here today hadn't been without a purpose. She knew that Qiao Ximin's main target wasn't Han Yaotian, but Mu Feichi.

As for why she had been used as a bargaining chip by the Qiao family and sent to woo Han Yaotian, Yun Xi was interested in hearing the inside story.

Mu Feichi was completely out of the Qiao family's league, but Qiao Ximin had unscrupulously snatched Han Yaotian from her in her previous life and in this life, she was interested in what would happen if they should meet.

It didn't matter that Qiao Ximin hadn't been interested in Han Yaotian. Making them a couple who hated each other and tortured each other for a lifetime would also be a joy for her to see.