Fight-to-the-Death Situation

Walking up the gangplank onto the deck, Mu Feichi's powerful footsteps in his army boots rang out step by step. His lofty, awe-inspiring aura immediately stunned everyone present.

Yun Xi stayed slumped down on the deck, silently watching him walking while cutting open the ties that bound her hands.

There was no fear in this man's eyes, nor arrogance like that of Crocodile, but only a mysterious sullenness and calm.

Confronting him face-to-face, Crocodile suddenly felt Mu Feichi's imposing presence. He subconsciously reacted by pulling Yun Xi up from the ground and pressing the cold muzzle of a gun against her forehead.

"As expected of the Young Marshal of the military, you do everything without regard for the consequences."

Mu Feichi's collision with his boat had immediately agitated Crocodile. Once water started leaking into the boat, they would be helpless.

Was Mu Feichi planning to kill him?