Treating Her Like a Child

Although Mu Feichi was Yun Yuanfeng's junior by quite a few years, Yun Yuanfeng was still extremely courteous toward this Goliath because of Mu Feichi's status and position.

He sat stiffly in his chair and was even more nervous than when he met his bosses.

Mu Feichi wasn't talking either. After the water had boiled, he took out some top-quality Longjing to make tea.

His noble upbringing made his every move look exceptionally pleasing to the eye. In addition, his proud demeanor as a soldier made his normally ordinary motions look graceful and beautiful.

Yun Xi watched him, captivated. She relaxed her guard for a moment. Looking at handsome men really lifted a person's spirits.

Mu Feichi was not saying anything, and Yun Yuanfeng was too nervous to think of anything to say. He kept glancing over at Yun Xi and giving her looks that asked her to diffuse the situation.