The B*stard Tricked Me

"That's enough. If you continue beating them they won't be able to speak at all. I think it's best if you ask for answers now."

Yun Xi rubbed her sore, bruised hand. With her blood still boiling, she kicked the man who was lying nearest to her, crouching and howling in pain. Speaking in fluent English, she demanded, "Spill it! Who ordered you two to place the drugs in my room?"

"I...I have no idea what you're talking about. I want to call the police. I'm going to sue you...for...for physical abuse."

"What did you say? I don't understand." Yun Xi feigned ignorance. After deliberately pretending that she didn't understand a word he said, she gave the man another ruthless kick. "If you're not going to tell me, I'm going to have to continue to beat you up. I'll beat you till you spill."