No Matter What, Can't Let Her Get Too Full Of Herself!

When Yun Xi brought home the recording of the awards ceremony at the Biology competition, Grandfather Yun made everyone gather in the living room to watch it. Afterward, he gave Yun Xi a thick red packet in front of everyone else, hoping to motivate the rest of the family.

"Yun Xi, here's a 5,000-yuan reward for you for winning the Biology award. Continue working hard. Maybe you'll get first place on the high school graduating exam and bring more renown to our family."

The news of Yun Xi obtaining a championship at a global competition had already spread across the entire villa complex. Wherever Grandfather Yun went, he would run into someone mentioning his granddaughter. He was so proud of her. Before this, no one in the villa complex had taken the small Yun family very seriously, and, after the fiasco involving Liang Xiuqin, some people had even started looking down on them.