You Still Lost

Yun Xi and Zhao Yumo stood aside and looked at Zhou Chengzhe indifferently. He had injured himself, but he had asked for it. There's no way anyone would sympathize with a person like him.

A pathetic man certainly is something to be despised.

The school bell rang when the classes ended. The teachers came out of the classrooms and looked over the railings after hearing the commotion. Instructor Xu saw Yun Xi and Zhou Chengzhe downstairs. He immediately went down the stairs while making a call to the principal.

Zhao Yumo walked forward and looked condescendingly at Zhou Chengzhe. He used to be ranked first in the school and had been a proud man, so it was disappointing to see him in such a sorry state now.

"Zhou Chengzhe. I think you still haven't learned that nothing will come back to haunt you if you don't do stupid things. We have all graduated, so why are you still picking on us?"