Go All the Way to the End

Liang Xinyi looked at Zhou Chengzhe as he was being taken away by the police officers. Then, before she could figure out what was going on, she saw the club manager being escorted out.

This place belonged to Han Zhongteng. Liang Xinyi was the one who had asked him to give Zhou Chengzhe a job.

Zhou Chengzhe was taken away during the police raid at the club. As long as she doesn't get dragged into this issue, getting him off her back was not a bad thing.

As Han Zhongteng was the boss, he probably wouldn't be looking for her for a while if he had all this business to take care of. So, she was pretty happy about what was happening too.

That night, Han Zhongteng was summoned to the police station for questioning. And Club Pinnacle was shut down for a while.