A Difficult Situation

Thinking of something, she looked up to talk to the mother and saw Qiao Ximin standing behind Mrs. Yang. With just one glance she knew exactly why Qiao Ximin was here.

"Heart disease?" Mrs. Yang thought carefully and shook her head. "No! This child has always been healthy. How could he have heart disease?"

Yun Xi's face wrinkled in concentration as she looked at the child's pale face. She raised her hand and patted the child's chest, squeezing his cold hand with hers and rubbing it gently.

After several moments, she leaned down and asked him, "How do you feel? Any better?"

The child nodded and slowly opened his eyes, looking much better than earlier.

As soon as Yun Xi's hand stopped patting his chest, he once again closed his eyes in agony and started whimpering.

"Madame, please gently pat the child's chest while I help him regain sensation in his hands, which are still stiff."