Sibling Rivalry

After talking about the Han family, Yun Xi brought up the subject of the Qiao family, who desperately wanted an opportunity to meet Mu Feichi.

"Young Commander, the Qiao family has been doing everything in their power to try and meet you. They have tried many methods, from reaching out to the mayor to making an appointment with Gu Baifan. You have been dodging them for so long. Aren't you afraid that a cornered dog will leap over a wall in desperation?"

Mu Feichi curled his lips in amusement as his dark gaze fell on her curious pink face. "Do you think that the old fox Qiao Dehao can't keep his composure?"

"We don't know for sure. The Qiao family urgently needs this project to lift up their status. If they miss out on this project, such a good opportunity might not come their way again. Although they are slow to rise, I don't believe they will watch an opportunity like this slip away."