Return Alive from the Battlefield

In the dim light, Yun Xi hurriedly poured out the contents of the medical bag she had brought with her, identifying hemostatic powder and bandages to temporarily stop the bleeding for him.

The cool night air was filled with the strong metallic stench of blood.

She seemed to be gradually getting used to this tense environment and was also able to accept the psychological pressures that comes with actual combat.

Mu Feichi watched her skillful dressing of his wound. His sweetheart is growing up and will eventually mature into the woman he wants.

But seeing her like this, he was inexplicably heartbroken.

"Babe, all hell is empty and the devil is on earth. Such a h*ll on earth! Do you have any regrets about becoming involved with me?"

"Young Commander, why do I feel like the one who is regretting it now is you?" Tying up the bandages, Yun Xi raised her head to look at him.

This road was her own choice, and she had never regretted it.