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Not only was she answering Liang Xiuqin's question, but she was also speaking to Yun Yuanfeng.

It was not hard to guess what Yun Yuanfeng was thinking. He wanted her to befriend the family heads. If he offended someone and implicated the Yun family, his career would be over. By then, it would be too late for regrets.

Yun Yuanfeng was not stupid, so he did not question Yun Xi right from the start. Instead, he tested her.

He probed to confirm his suspicions. Unfortunately, Yun Xi had to disappoint him.

Young Master Huo and Young Master Jiang had suddenly stood up to speak up for this young girl. This had caused many people to wonder if they knew each other and had a close relationship.

However, it was precisely because of the disparity in their statuses that people's suspicions were extinguished.

On the contrary, they took it for granted that they were just helping the innocent and weak when they saw an injustice.