Lifetime Wounds

Before she hung up, Yun Xi could not help herself and added another word of advice. "Guide Yumo well. Teach her everything you know!"

"When have I hidden anything from her? She's smart and talented, but lacks experience in real situations. I'm talking about a harsh reality. To put it simply, what if something suddenly happened to her family? She wouldn't know what to do. Only if she faced this on her own could it be counted as a real experience. There's no point talking about things like this."

"That hasn't happened yet. Knock on wood. I have things to do. You go back to whatever you were doing."

This was a topic Yun Xi did not wish to discuss any longer, so she hung up immediately.

Using her knowledge from her past life, Yun Xi knew that the grandfather of the Zhao family would die and the second uncle of Yumo would become the head of the family.