Creepy Han Zhongteng

The colorful nightlife of Jingdu had started up with the disappearing light of day. The noisy nightclubs were lit up with blinding neon lights, and each room was bustling with music and drunken singing.

Liang Xinyi had lost count of how many times she had called Han Zhongteng that day. He had not picked up a single one, and she had had to ask around among his close friends to know where he was at the moment.

Standing outside the doors of a nightclub, Liang Xinyi looked up at the dazzling neon lights. The bright beams made her eyes twitch.

She knew she was walking directly into the claws of Han Zhongteng as she made her way here, and she knew there was no escape at this point.

She was walking into a black hole that had no end in sight.

If she needed help or any way to climb upward socially, she had to depend on him. Even if it meant humiliating herself and selling herself out to him...