Impulse to Kill

Perhaps because she had died once before, or perhaps because she had been trained by Yan Shuo for more than three months, Yun Xi felt that her reaction to danger or the threat of dying had become much sharper.

"Watch out!" she yelled. A big truck at the intersection had started racing seemingly out of control, heading straight for them.

The big truck was coming extremely fast, as if the driver had his foot all the way down on the gas pedal, and it had passed the crosswalk in an instant.

The left and right sides of the road were blocked with parked cars and there seemed to be no way out. Yun Xi could do nothing but watch the truck come rushing toward them. Then, suddenly, at the last minute, four cars raced over from the left and right sides and got in a formation that blocked the car Yun Xi was in.

Then, the two cars that were in the front also stepped on the gas and rammed the big truck head-on at the fastest possible speed.