Dress Trouble

Coincidentally, Yao Ying had just come home and could not help but turn to look at Liang Xiuqin and Yun Ziling when she heard Yun Xi's words.

She knew Liang Xiuqin's financial standing. Forget tens of thousands, she could barely afford a 1,000-yuan dress. Seeing as how she did not have any income now, there was no way she could buy whatever she pleased so casually.

Especially not a hand-made dress by The Beauty. No matter how she thought about it, it did not seem like it was something she could afford.

"Second Aunt, you're back!" Yun Xi turned her head. Liang Xiuqin was afraid that she would ask further questions, so she hurried over and pulled Yun Ziling up.

Before leaving, Yun Ziling asked curiously, "Sister, you're not going to the party hosted by the Jiangs tonight, are you?"

"I gave the only two invitations I could get my hands on to you both, didn't I? If Mom doesn't wanna go, you can give me your invitation, and I'll go instead of you."