Dead People Keep Secrets

The woman clutched a large bag of cash in her hands and nervously retreated to Sanzi's side as she looked at Han Wanling warily.

"What...what are you doing?"

Sanzi turned to protect the woman by pushing her behind him and cast a guarded look at the bodyguards in black.

"What, do you want to kick me to the curb after you've gotten your hands on the prize?"

Sanzi looked coldly at Han Wanling, who was standing in front of the group of bodyguards. He sneered and clenched his fists, looking like he was about to enter battle mode.

"To me, there is nothing safer than my secrets being kept by a dead person."

Sanzi turned his head with a cold smile. "See that? This is the consequence of not caring about life. Rich people like these are all unscrupulous businessmen. They can't be trusted."