Jiang Chenghuan's Promise

Since Li Shuyuan was a relative of one of Yun Xi's patients, she decided to ask about the patient's condition. Since the old chiefs were decorated veterans, the places where they lived were tightly guarded, so it was hard for her to visit them.

After Li Shuyuan had asked a few questions about Jiang Chenghuan's grandfather and made sure that the old chief was doing well, Yun Xi reminded Li Shuyuan of a few ways to maintain his health and warned her about things he shouldn't do.

Li Shuyuan thanked Yun Xi gratefully. When she'd first met the young lady, she had been a bit skeptical about Yun Xi's medical knowledge. However, after their short conversation, she was completely convinced that the young lady was very skilled.

Yun Xi noticed that all three men who were present in the living room were staring at her, to the point where she felt awkward.