Learn The Hard Way

Yun Xi felt a dull pain in her neck when she woke up. But to be precise, instead of waking up from the pain, she was roused from her unconsciousness by Yun Chuhan's yelling.

As soon as she opened her eyes, Yun Xi began looking around at her surroundings. She had developed this habit and reflex after going through training for a long time.

They were both brought to an abandoned factory. Yun Xi was strapped to one of the many rusty old machines, and an intense musky and metallic odor filled the air.

It was quite a large factory building, and three men were guarding them. However, instead of looking like bodyguards, they were more like gangsters.

Not too far away from Yun Xi, Yun Chuhan was bound to a metal rack. She was shouting at the three men sitting near the door.

"Liars! You lied to me! Didn't you say that I just needed to lure her out? So why did you take me too?"

"B*stard! I've got no beef with anyone of you. Let me go now!"