Cleverly Cheating

She was disqualified in the first round of the competition. This was the most humiliating and embarrassing day in Jiang Yuwen's entire life. She was completely put to shame in front of the one person she wanted to defeat the most. On top of that, she was publicly embarrassed in front of all the socialites of Jun Country. All the shame she could possibly experience in this lifetime had been accumulated here today, and no amount of perseverance could douse the burning rage she felt right now!

  At this moment, all she wanted to do was to yell at Qi Siyu and the rest of the socialites, but she knew all she would receive in return was just more ridicule and disdain, while she ended up becoming the joke of the town and a clown in everyone's eyes.

  Unable to bear the shame any longer, she clutched the dress by her chest. Turning around all of a sudden, she scoffed coldly and ran out of the banquet hall.