Sour Grapes

Zhao Yumo took Yun Xi around the villa. They then decided to make their way back to their suite after getting to know their way around the place and seeing the hall where the ball would be held.

As soon as they walked out of the hall, they saw Jiang Henglin and Jiang Qilin walking over with the villa's staff. Jiang Henglin was one of the judges for the socialite ball this year. Although he looked like he was just tagging along with Jiang Qilin, everyone knew he was there to learn the ropes. After all, he would have to take over the Jiang family since Jiang Qilin had become disabled.

Jiang Qilin was actually quite even-tempered. He didn't seem bothered about the obvious fight for power, as he had brought Jiang Henglin here to learn and make friends.

Yun Xi didn't want to run into Jiang Henglin at all. But before she could get away, Jiang Henglin saw her and shouted her name from afar. So, she couldn't pretend to have not heard him calling her.