Going Public

In the middle of their meal, Mu Feichi received a notification on his phone. As he read through the message, he stood up and took his laptop out from the bedside table.

After a few clicks, he turned the laptop screen toward Yun Xi. "Take a look," he said, as if that was all the introduction he needed.

Yun Xi eyed the video playing on the laptop curiously. The video showed her mother thrashing about in her prison cell, a sight that was not the prettiest one to witness.

The video was shaking and chaotic, but she could see Liang Xiuqin pointing to the television screen and yelling, "This is my daughter..."

She looked no different from a crazy woman. Yun Xi smiled in amusement, but her eyes remained composed as she finished the video. She could no longer view this woman as her mother. She was a stranger to her.