Off the Cliff

Mu Feichi lifted his eyes to look at the low-altitude antiaircraft missile that was flying toward them. At such a distance, even though their car was a grade-10 bulletproof vehicle, it would be impossible to defend against such a heavy weapon.

Instantly, he shouted, "Safety measures!"

In the blink of an eye, he grabbed the person in his arms tightly and slammed his right hand onto the car's safety belt. The safety belt that shot out from his shoulders instantly locked the two of them tightly in their seats.

Fenghuang Niao did not dare to think too much about what she was doing. She pressed on the safety controls inside the car, and the double safety belt secured her firmly in the driver's seat. Her right foot stepped on the accelerator, and her elbow moved as she turned the steering wheel quickly. The car had been programmed to account for the missile's arrival, and it rushed toward the safety railing on the right side of the cliff.