Dangerously Attractive

In reality, after experiencing so many trials and tribulations, Yun Xi felt that her mentality toward Yun Yuanfeng had eased.

She also felt less hatred toward the Yun family, especially after settling scores with Liang Xiuqin and Yun Ziling.

Or rather, these people were no longer her opponents. She had left them far behind, and they were no longer living in the same world.

Even if Yun Yuanfeng wanted to use her now, she had a bargaining chip to negotiate with him.

She picked up the phone and said calmly, "Dad..."

"Yun Xi, I saw the news. You were chosen as the top socialite. Why didn't you tell me that you were participating in the competition? No matter how busy I am, I would definitely have gone and supported you."

Was Yun Yuanfeng feeling regretful that he had not attended the ball and missed the opportunity to climb up the social ladder?