Constantly in Danger

The situation was much worse than had been expected. After Li Zilan and Jin Lei had been caught in an ambush, the communications system had broken down entirely. So no one knew where they were.

Fenghuang Cheng looked away from the radar scanner in Grey Wolf's hand and turned toward Mu Feichi. "Sir, since we don't know anything about the situation in the war zone, should we make a detour?"

Though crossing through the war zone would be the fastest route, it was also a dangerous path to take. If an explosion were to go off ahead of them, the cars that Mu Feichi and his team were in wouldn't be able to stop in time.

"We can't delay any longer. We do not know how many people have already been infected with the virus. If we waste more time, there may be more people getting infected, and the situation would get more unfavorable for us."