Heartless and Protective

They were in a race against time and speed, and, to make things worse, the sound of gunfire and explosions in the town had attracted the attention of ​​the corps who were on their way back. Just as Mu Feichi received the second group of refugees in the square, the army corps had caught up.

"Niao, take Yun Xi and leave with the rest!" Mu Feichi saw that the situation seemed dire, and the first thing that came to mind was to get the two women out of there.

Yun Xi had just returned from planting the bombs and shook her head stubbornly. "We're outnumbered by the enemy. I won't leave you and run away at a time like this. If you want me to leave, then we leave together. Let's all evacuate the town. This road here is the only way out. The bombs I've laid can buy us some time. Let's go!"