A Charade of False Affections

As soon as Su Ximan mentioned the old man, Su Zongping's eyelids twitched. How could he not know what this meant?

It could not be helped that he had such bad luck. It was always either the woman he married or the baggage that she had brought with her that caused him trouble. Despite being innocent, he was always the one who had to clean up their mess!

Although Su Zongping was his rightful son, the old man loved his one and only granddaughter even more. If Su Zongping wanted her to help as a mediator in coaxing the old man and dealing with the issue, the least he could do was to be decisive in taking care of the mess Chen Lixue had caused.

"Okay then, I'll leave it to you!" Su Zongping said with a smile and watched Su Ximan head upstairs. The moment he turned around, his expression immediately changed. It just so happened that he had gotten fed up with the wretched Chen Lixue. After divorcing her, he might even get another wife to cleanse his palette!