You Can't Get What You Want!

As the New Year approached, red lanterns were hung at the entrance of every household. Yun Xi specially picked a time when Yun Yuanfeng was at home to make a trip back to the Yun family, bringing a few pots of rare camellias for her grandfather.

In order for everyone to enjoy the New Year festivities, Yun Chuhan got busy the moment the holidays started. She took over Liang Xiuqin's role and started to clean the house and prepare the New Year goods.

Auntie was not under her orders, and Second Aunt was only supervising from the side. She was extremely busy, spinning around like a top, on the verge of breaking down.

In all her life, she had never been this tired!

However, she had jumped into this trap herself. If she complained, all of her efforts during this period would be in vain. Even if she wanted to take over the family, she would never have the chance to do so in the future!