Dreaming About It Would Prove Much Faster

Early in the morning, Yun Xi received a call from Mu Feichi saying that he was returning to the military headquarters for a meeting. Drowsily, she replied with just a few words. Only after hanging up the phone, did she realize what the man had said. As it turned out, they finally had a lead on the bombing incident at the Jingdu Grand Hotel.

The bombing at the Jingdu Grand Hotel had caused a worrisome New Year for everyone. The president had put Mu Feichi in charge of investigating and handling the bombing incident, with the order that the murderer must be found within the shortest timeframe so that Jingdu could once again regain its peace.

The New Year festivities had ended, and everyone was back to work. If there were still no leads regarding the case at all, a new bout of panic was bound to erupt among the people.