An Escort at a Banquet

It had indeed been an entertaining show to watch, but it was also what Yun Xi had anticipated all along, so it was hardly surprising to her.

Her calmness surprised Han Zhongteng. He thought the girl would be over the moon to see Chen Lixue end up like this. After all, it was not hard to see from the information he gathered that this girl had suffered quite a lot growing up with Chen Lixue and her two daughters. It seemed that he had really underestimated this girl from the start, and he had also done some stupid things for that idiot Liang Xinyi!

The joy and anger she felt whirled into one, making it hard for others to read her thoughts, which made her appear exactly the same as a certain someone.

"I had wanted to give you a pleasant surprise, but it doesn't seem like much of a surprise after all. Since they had bullied you for many years, I thought you would at least be happier when you saw what happened to them now."