The Fellow with His Nose Pointed to the Sky

Meanwhile, Ling Chuxi and the company she was travelling with were still continuing to rush to the Ding Lin Country capital. Along the way, nothing else happened and their journey was very peaceful. A few days later, they successfully arrived at Ding Lin Country's capital.


In the midst of the envoy flags of Nan Xia, a banner reading, "Iron Mouth And Divine Tooth Number One Fortune Teller Under The Heavens" was even more eye-catching and it drew odd gazes from quite a few people. Even Ling Chuxi and the rest of those who rode in carriages were too embarrassed to draw the curtains. If people were to see who were, their reputations would be thoroughly thrown out the window.


It was good that Li Shaoqiu and Jiang Wuhen also knew how to act according to the situation and shortly after entering the city, they left the envoy to go brag about themselves and cheat whoever they could.