Qin Zhan Took Action

This sudden scene on the train alerted the passengers, and the train attendant was shocked beyond words. Instantly, he believed the child, who was not very old, and took out a plastic stick from his bag as he called his colleagues sternly. "Where's your friend?"

"In the toilet at the tenth carriage. There are three people on the other side, and they are all middle-aged. One of them has a goatee, the other has a scar, and the last one is left-handed and carries a black bag. There are tools and stolen goods inside." Song Ye quickly reported the features and positions of the men clearly and precisely, allowing people to recognize them instantly.

After instructing Song Ye to stay at her spot to wait, the train attendants left anxiously and completely did not notice that a country girl could stay so alert and clear after the shock she had met with.

The safety at this day and age was compromised so there would usually be two or three people good at fighting that became train attendants to prevent fighting or robbery events from occurring.

As she watched the train attendants walk further away with their plastic sticks, Song Ye stood up and walked towards the soft room channel while the other people in her surroundings were watching the commotion. Now, she had ample time to test her abilities.

The soft room carriage was not like the hard room ones, where there was no privacy at all. This superior carriage had two people sharing a room and a door to close it. Inside the room, it was very spacious; of course, the price was a few folds of the hard room.

Song Ye acted as if she was walking around casually, and her finger stroked across one of the room. Inside the first room, there was a couple and a child; she could see the grandpa and grandma's figures very clearly. In the second room, two elegantly-dressed ladies were facing the mirror and applying their foundation; they were using the most expensive brand in the market.

Until the fourth carriage, Song Ye believed her ridiculous powers in her hands undoubtedly and had even found a space in her palm. As long as she focused, taking items across the wall was as easy as ABC. The gemstone that disappeared previously was also in this space.

When she thought that there would be a commotion at the human traffickers' side, Song Ye wanted to find a space to hide herself. However, the situation in the fourth carriage made her slightly stunned.

Inside, there were two men around the age of twenty-six or twenty-seven. One of them was sitting by the table and facing the view outside, with the sunlight landing on his side view. His features were obvious, and his lips were tightly pressed against each other. His pair of eyes was as stable as the mountain and filled with murderous intent.

This was a handsome man and was different from the pretty-boy looks all over the streets. This intense look filled with murderous intent could make someone's blood curdle, but what attracted Song Ye's attention was not his appearance… but the intense murderous aura around him.

Just one look, Song Ye could confirm that this man had killed someone before and his hands were dripping with blood.

The fact that the train in a small place like Cloud City would actually have this type of person was enough to gather her curiosity. When the man opposite talked to him in his low voice, his title made Song Ye shocked.

As she knew how to lip-read, she could understand the man even with the thick metal wall in between. He said, "Major, do you want to go out to take a look?"


This was a military title. According to what Song Ye knew, one needed to be at least thirty years old to be promoted to that status, but the man inside had raised to that position at such a young age. It was either because he was very capable or someone was looking after him.

Even though they were behind the wall, the two people inside could hear the commotion outside really clearly. The subordinate was clearly making a request, but the man at the table did not move an inch and said lightly, "No need." Perhaps it was his natural expression or that he was in a bad mood, but Song Ye felt that his face was so cold until it could become ice.

As there was such an amazing figure not easy to handle, Song Ye decided not to loiter around and expose herself.

At this time, the train attendant had quickly saved the unconscious girl from the toilet and had caught two of the human traffickers. Through the girl's recognition, they confirmed their crimes.

"Hm? Where did the girl that made the report go? Did anyone see her?" When the train attendant came back and did not see Song Ye, he began to look for her.

However, all the passengers just shook their heads to express that they did not see her, and no one noticed the girl's figure amongst the crowd.

As they did not find the mastermind, the girl victim and the human traffickers were being watched by the train attendant. They only brought them down to handle when the train reached its destination.

Song Ye's eyebrows furrowed as she watched the commotion at the train station; everyone was surrounding the human traffickers and watching the scene of the victims crying in pain. When she was about to leave the train station, she suddenly heard rapid footsteps coming towards her. It was obvious compared to the rhythm of the other footsteps around her.

Song Ye's brows furrowed together. When the sharp knife came over, she moved her body slightly and barely escaped it. She turned around and met with the goatee man's sinister look.

The other party was taken aback as he clearly did not expect Song Ye was agile enough to escape his attack. When he thought about his captured brothers, hatred in his heart became even more intense. "Stupid girl, you spoiled my fortune. I won't spare you."

As he finished talking, the knife—as sharp as ever—attacked over. At first, Song Ye wanted to teach him a lesson, but she realized that her fifteen-year-old body's reaction time and strength were too weak so she could not help but escape cowardly. She took a deep breath in and hollered, "Help! Don't kill me!"

"Stupid girl!" When he noticed that this noise alerted his surroundings, the anger in the man's heart grew. He could not help but to turn around and escape.

As he had not left the train station, the man followed the platform and knocked into the crowd, without noticing there was another train approaching from afar.

He did not notice it, but Song Ye did. As she watched the approaching train and the cold train track below the platform, her gaze went cold as she took out the gemstone from the space. From this distance and angle, she could cause the man to die without a complete corpse.

However, when the gemstone was about to leave her hand, the man suddenly hit into a wall of muscles. Suddenly, there was a pain in his wrist, and his elbow was twisted behind his back, causing him to yell out in pain.

The commotion in the crowd made the staff at the train station rapidly surrounded the man. After confirming the man's identity, they thanked the brave soul.

After handing the man over, Qin Zhan rejected reporting his name to receive an award from the train station as he looked at the crowd not far away.

If he did not remember wrongly, the girl who yelled for help was there and had even struggled with the criminal for some time.

However, that place was empty; the girl had disappeared.

"Major…" the man behind bellowed and reminded him of his time.

Qin Zhan kept his gaze and walked towards the train station in big steps.

At this time, Song Ye—who managed to escape—boarded a public vehicle to go home.